Tally Vouchers and Create , Display, Alter, Group and Ledger


In this Article you will Learn Following Topic : 

1. What is Vouchers . 

2. Basic Accounting Vouchers in Tally and their shortcut Key.

3. Use's of Vouchers in Tally . 

4. What is Groups in Tally. 

5. How to Create, Display and Alter  Groups in Tally.

6. What is Ledger . 

7. How to Create , Display and Alter Ledger in Tally . 

What is Vouchers

A voucher is a document that contains details of a financial transaction and is required for recording the same into the books of accounts.

For every transaction, you can use the appropriate Tally voucher to enter the details into the ledgers and update the financial position of the company.

  • The voucher entry menus options are available under Transactions in the Gateway of Tally .
  • The Payroll and Order Vouchers are available as separate options which can be enabled based on the requirements.
  • The Payroll Vouchers can be enabled from F1: Accounting Features .
  • whereas the Order Vouchers can be activated from F2: Inventory Features .
Notes - If the company is maintained with Accounts Only Company , Inventory Vouchers option will not be displayed under Transactions .

Accounting Vouchers

Predefined Vouchers
Contra Entry /Voucer
Payment Entry /Voucer
Receipt Entry /Voucer
 Journal Voucher
Purchase Entry /Voucer
Sales Entry /Voucer
Debit Note Entry /Voucer
Credit Note Entry /Voucer
Post-dated Cheque Entry /Voucer

Predefined Vouchers in Tally.ERP 9

  • Tally comprises of the following predefined Vouchers, to suit different business requirements for recording various transactions. Tally also allows you to create user-defined Vouchers (Voucher Types) as per your requirements.

  • Contra Voucher                              F4
  • Payment Voucher                           F5
  • Receipt Voucher                             F6
  • Journal voucher                              F7
  • Sales Voucher / Invoice                 F8
  • Purchase Voucher / Invoice            F9
  • Debit Note Voucher                  Alt + F9
  • Credit Note Voucher                 Alt + F8

Contra Voucher / Entry

As per the Accounting Principles, a Contra entry is a transaction involving transfer of cash between one Cash A/c to another or one Cash A/c to another Bank A/c i.e., is a transaction indicating transfer of funds from:
  • Cash account to Cash account
  • Cash account to Bank account
  • Bank account to Cash account
  • Bank account to Bank account

To view the Contra Voucher Entry Screen,

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers
  • Select F4: Contra from the Button Bar or press F4 .

Payment Voucher / Entry

Payment voucher is used to account all the payments made by the company by way of Cash/Bank.
Payment voucher can be passed using Single Entry or Double Entry mode by configuring the setting Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra in F12 configuration .

Recording a Payment Entry

  • Payment voucher is used to record all bank and cash payments. For example, a company settles a creditor's bill by cheque.
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment .

Receipt Voucher /Entry

Any money received from debtors against sales Invoices or on Account and for all transactions where money is received are accounted or entered into Tally.ERP 9 using the Receipt Voucher.
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.
  • Select F6: Receipt from the button bar or press F6.

Purchase Voucher / Entry

When a company buys goods on credit or cash, Purchase voucher is used to record all the Purchase transactions of the company.
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.
  • Click on F9:Purchase on the Button Bar or press F9 .

Sales Voucher / Entry

When a company sales goods on credit or cash, Sales Voucher is used to record all the Sales transactions of the company.
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.
  • Click on F8:Sales on the Button Bar or press F8 .

Debit Note Voucher / Entry

Debit Note is a document issued to a party stating that you are debiting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vise versa.
  • It is commonly used in case of Purchase Returns, Escalation/De-escalation in price, any other expenses incurred by you on behalf of the party etc.

Debit Note can be entered in voucher or Invoice mode.
  • You need to enable the feature in F11: Accounting or Inventory features .
  • To use it in Voucher mode you need to enable the feature in F11 :Accounting Features - Use debit and credit notes .
  • To make the entry in Invoice mode enable the option F11: Accounting Features - Record debit notes in invoice mode .

To go to Debit Note Entry Screen,

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.
  • Click on Ctrl+F9: Debit Note on the Button Bar or press Ctrl+F9.
  • You can toggle between voucher and Invoice mode by clicking Ctrl+V .

Credit Note Voucher / Entry

Credit Note is a document issued to a party stating that you are Crediting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vise versa.
  • It is commonly used in case of Sales Return , Escalation/De-escalation in price, any other Income incurred by you on behalf of the party etc.

Credit Note can be entered in voucher or Invoice mode.

  • You need to enable the feature in F11: Accounting or Inventory features .
  • To use it in Voucher mode you need to enable the feature in F11 :Accounting Features - Use debit and credit notes .
  • To make the entry in Invoice mode enable the option F11: Accounting Features - Record credit notes in invoice mode .

To go to Credit Note Entry Screen,

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.
  • Click on Ctrl+F8: Credit Note on the Button Bar or press Ctrl+F8.
  • You can toggle between voucher and Invoice mode by clicking Ctrl+V .

Post-dated Cheque Entry

Post-dated Cheque Entry A post-dated cheque is one that the recipient can encash on a future date.
  • Such cheques are not payable until the date written on the face of the cheque.
  • In the accounting books of both the issuer and the recipient, the transaction will not be recorded until the date provided on the cheque.

Creating a Post-dated Voucher

  • 1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Payment.
  • 2. In the Voucher Creation screen, click T : Post-Dated . The voucher will be marked with the words Post-Dated as shown below:


Groups are collection of ledgers of the same nature. Account groups are maintained to determine the hierarchy of Ledger Accounts, which is helpful in determining and presenting meaningful and compliant reports. Using this you can generate reports, which are meaningful as well as compliant with laws.

  • Tally.ERP 9 provides you with 28 pre-defined Groups .
  • Of these 15 are Primary Groups and 13 are Sub-Groups .
  • You can also create your own groups, either as Sub-groups or Primary groups .
  • Groups can be sub-classified to an unlimited level to give a virtual accounting tree.
  • The lowest level would be the Ledger Account. All Voucher entries are passed using ledgers.

Create account groups

Create account groups one-by-one
  • 1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Groups > Create ( under Single Group )
  • 2. Enter the Name of the group.
  • 3. Enter the Alias name, if required.
  • 4. In the field Under , from the List of Groups displayed, select the parent group under which the group has to be classified. For example, Indirect Expenses .

View account groups

View account groups one-by-one in display mode
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Groups > Display ( under Single Group ).
  • Select the name of the group required from the List of Groups displayed.

Alter a Group

Alter a Group The details entered in a group can be modified when required.
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Groups > Alter ( under Single Group ) .
  • Select the name of the group required from the List of Groups displayed.
  •  Make the necessary changes in the Group Alteration screen.
  • Click Yes to save the changes.


A ledger is the actual account head to identify your transactions and are used in all accounting vouchers. For example, purchase, payments, sales, receipts, and others accounts heads are ledger accounts. Without a ledger, you cannot record any transaction.

Predefined Ledgers

All ledgers have to be classified into groups . These groups and ledgers are classified into profit and loss or balance sheet.
  • There are two pre-defined ledgers in Tally.ERP 9:
  • Cash ledger
  • Profit and loss account

Create Ledgers one-by-one

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Create (Single Ledger) . The Ledger Creation screen appears as shown below:   

2. Enter the Name of the ledger account. Duplicate names are not allowed.
3. Enter the alias of the ledger account, if required. You can access the ledgers using the original name or the alias name.
4. Select a group category from the List of Groups.

Display, Alter and Delete Ledgers

You can alter any information of the ledger master with the except for the closing balance under the group stock-in-hand .

Display/alter a ledger

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Display or Alter .
  • Modification of account ledgers is possible for single ledgers as well as multiple ledgers. However for multiple ledgers, all the fields are not available for alteration.

Delete a ledger

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Alter > Press Alt+D .
