GST an Introduction and Benifit of GST (Goods & Service Tax)

 GST ( Goods and Service Tax)

After Studying this Blog, You will be able to :

  •  Explain the concept of GST and the need for GST in India.
  • Discuss the framework of GST as introduced in India and understand the barious Advantage (Benifits ) to be accrued from implementation of GST. 
  • Explain the constituional provisions pertaining to levy of various taxes.
  • appreciate the need for constitutional amendment paying way for GST
In this GST pdf Book which you will get  click on below link  you learn about following topics 
  1. Gensis of GST in India 
  2. Concept of GST 
  3. Need for GST in India 
  4. Framework of GST as Introduced in India 
  5. Benifits of GST 
  6. Constitutional Provisions
