what is research ?

 Research is a scientific investigation. Investigation means a search for new facts and ideas in any branch of knowledge. Thus, we can say that research is a search for knowledge. Research may be considered as a movement, a movement from the unknown to the known. It is actually a voyage of discovery. Research is carried out for two purposes; one is the discovery of new facts and the second, verification of the old ones. The object of every business organization, of course, is the discovery of new facts, new relationship, and new laws governing the business phenomena. But constant verification of the old concepts is also needed especially in dynamic business environment.

Meaning and Definition of Research

In order to plan and carry out research, it is necessary to know what we mean by research-in general, as well as in the specialized fields of business management. “Research is an Organized and Systematic way of Finding answers to Questions.” 

Systematic because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will follow. There are certain things in the research process that are always done in order to get the most accurate results. Organized in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.

 Finding answers is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is successful when we find answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer. 

Questions are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose. 

The word research is derived from the Latin word meaning to know. It is a systematic and a replicable process, which identifies and defines problems, within specified boundaries. It employs well-designed method to collect the data and ana
